Sunday, October 16, 2011

Wish List as of October 16

Wish List
  • A tent/canopy (a canopy should have sides for privacy and to keep us from wind and rain) for a quiet/sacred space for meditation, prayer, small rituals/services, etc. (After the Sukkot we plan on converting the sukkah into a more weatherized structure; however it might be nice to have a way to partition some parts of it for privacy and added comfort from wind and rain.)
  • Altar supplies and Eucharistic supplies
  • Books such as the BibleTanakh, QuranBook of Common PrayerNovus Ordo Missae, Siddurim, MishnahBuddhist sutras, etc. 
  • Candles, incense, bells, singing bowls, etc.
  • A nice solid box for an altar
  • A box to securely store ceremonial objects and such
  • A $30 Virgin Mobile "PayLO" card -- to defray the cost of Sarah's mobile phone/internet services -- any Safeway or Fred Meyer has one, and also RadioShack accepts direct cash payment to the account (Sarah's number is 503-890-7724 -- no PIN or vKey is needed at RadioShack).

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1 comment:

  1. I'll bring a tarp or two down with me today, and I might have, or can get something to store stuff in.
