By Rev. Catherine Alder
This moment, face-to-face,
with those who OCCUPY
we come with broken bread
and wine poured out
to feed the place of Christ within
for courage and encouragement
to keep the light alive.
Looking, really looking into faces
of broken hearts the brittle CHURCH
has thrown away,
“No felons here, You talk too much,
Your homeless stinking rags and
wheelchairs do not fit and frighten us.
Get up and walk!
Child, your status brings
no status at this table.
Back off, all of you, back off!”
But not here, not in this camp,
this moving, swarming table of humanity,
dear humble faces turn gently upward
to take the bread and cup with grateful hearts
Some on their knees, some still smoking,
some howling with drugged delight.
To find a way back in from banishment
is sweet delicious juice and bread.
Overthrowers and peacemakers and noise makers and justice hunters
beat the drum of sharing visions and dreaming dreams
and weave a tablecloth of life on which we serve
the bread and cup.
And then the march begins again,
marching in the light of God, we march, endless marching,
years of marching with weary feet stomping “When Shall We Overcome?”
But today, fed and full of courage and encouragement,
This is not an official statement of the Interfaith Guild of Chaplains.
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