Tuesday, December 13, 2011

City Hall Occupy vigil needs people!

City Hall of Portland, Oregon
Image via Wikipedia
The Interfaith Guild of Chaplains (IGC) now officially endorses the 24/7 Occupy vigil in front of the Portland City Hall to end the camping ban.  This vigil will continue until the Portland City Council suspends or repeals the city ordinance prohibiting camping on public and private lands within the city limits.

The vigil was started on Dec. 1, 4 p.m. by Moses Wrosen and Andrea Townsend, and continues for nearly two weeks, despite the below-freezing nights and mornings.

This vigil has become a kind of mini-Occupation that is quietly continuing the visible presence by the city hall, although it has not attracted the kind of media and police attentions like some of the more spectacular demonstrations in recent days.

The vigil needs more people, as well as contributions of items such as hand-warmers, food and hot beverages.

To join the vigil, use the new online scheduler: http://cityhalloccupyvigil.wikispaces.com/

It is hoped that this will increase participation, and in turn reduce the physical strain on some of the people there.

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1 comment:

  1. We do need contributions, but are pretty limited in space. We cannot really handle community needs stuff like socks, blankets, ect. nor can we really handle much food serving. Healthy snaoks to feed the Vigilanté on shift woulduld be helpful.

    Things we need are:
    Candles and olive oil
    Small propane canisters (16.4oz)
    Petty cash
    Pop-up canopy (the rain will come soon)
    * Vigilantés signed up on the schedule

    Thank you!
