Sunday, October 7, 2012

It's anniversary time... Monday, Oct. 15

Birthday cake
Birthday cake (Photo credit: anemoneprojectors (Peter O))
A reception to celebrate the founding of the Interfaith Solidarity (formerly the Interfaith Guild of Chaplains) one year ago, with a short introductory presentation outlining the history and missions of the Interfaith Solidarity. This event also will kick off our planning of the Occupy Thanksgiving PDX 2 and a series of holiday season events/outreach, so if you are interested in being part of the event this year, please come.

Those who are planning on attending are also encouraged to bring some food that does not require cooking or refrigeration (we only have a microwave and a mini-fridge) and/or non-alcoholic beverage.

This is free and open to the public.

Interfaith Solidarity is non-sectarian and non-proselytizing.

More information:
(503) 427-8269 or email via

Facebook event page:

About us:
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