Thursday, April 5, 2012

Save our public transit TriMet for equity, economy, and environment!

As a representative for the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 757, representing TriMet and C-TRAN employees, states, public transit is a human right.  It connects people to jobs, resources and social life by providing mobility.  In this time of "austerity," however, public transit systems everywhere are suffering from both significant service cuts and ridiculous fare increases.

Locally, TriMet has been proposing a series of drastic changes in how it operates.  Among them are an elimination of the Free Rail Zone, increase of fares to $2.50 flat-rate, an elimination of scratch 7-day passes, and consolidation of various routes, as well as a significant cut to the LIFT paratransit services.

In this occasion, we must unite to defend our public transit as one of key infrastructures that unite our communities and make Portland what it is.  Equity, economy, and environment -- in short our values and urban planning philosophy -- depend on accessible, affordable public transit.

Here are a series of sign-on letters for people to sign:

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