The #OccupyPortland Interfaith Guild of Chaplains
In solidarity with all Occupy movements and communities in the Greater Portland-Vancouver Region
Dec. 9, 2011
From Sarah: Mic Check!! The winter is felt these days in the morning and at night. Many of our Occupiers in Portland area are in need for a safe place to sleep. I have been, in recent days, seeing some distancing away by the larger Occupy movement from these issues and it is troubling. I have been in contact with someone who is very passionate on this matter -- and I hope many of our fellow Occupiers take this -- the lives of real humans and their basic human rights -- seriously. As I have written extensively on this topic of late elsewhere, I need not repeat it here.
- Call for immediate help and solidarity
- The C Word: No, we are not camping, or are we?
- End the anti-"homeless" hatred, prejudice and discrimination!
- Restoring the concept of commons
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As the IGC is working very closely with other groups, OP committees, caucuses and workgroups on a more increased capacity, there are many ways for you to get involved. This week's newsletter is primarily a list of what we are doing and call for volunteers.
In solidarity,
Sarah Morrigan
Program Coordinator
The #OccupyPortland Interfaith Guild of Chaplains
1. Current and Upcoming
- Thursday, Dec. 22: The Winter Solstice Interfaith Occupiers' Peace-In. Celebrate the shortest day of the year and return of the light with this short ceremony drawn from many cultures and traditions. 6:30 p.m., at Director Park, 850 SW Taylor St., Portland, Oregon 97205. We are looking for people who can either contribute some easy-to-serve food items and/or hot beverages, and/or someone with a kitchen and transportable containers (like a Cambro) so we can prepare them earlier on that day. Contact Sarah if you are able to help.
- Continuing now: 24/7 Candlelight Prayer Vigil against Camping Ban. In front of the Portland City Hall, 1221 SW 4th Ave., Portland, Oregon 97204. The group is looking for people who can cover a shift on a regular basis. Call Andrea at (503) 453-9937 to join the vigil.
- IGC rotating delegates for the Spokes Council: We participate in the OccupyPortland Spokes Council through our membership in the Faith & Spirit Caucus. We are looking for two more active IGC members to act as our official rotating delegates to represent the IGC to the greater movement, and also to be a liaison between the Spokes Council and the IGC.
2. Organizing in Progress
- #OccupyChristmasPDX: Building on the success of #OccupyThanksgivingPDX, we are hoping to put together a 24-hour, indoor mini-occupation retreat for Christmas. The leading impetus for this event is that there are many Occupiers outside who may otherwise be left outside with no access to food and other vital needs on Dec. 25, potentially in a bad weather; however, this event seeks to be more than a charity or a hand-out; we are using this opportunity to build community and relationship, and talk about issues that matter, while also having a great fun time to make this holiday a memorable one for all participants. To be part of the planning, or if you have an offer of a building (an empty garage would even do), contact Sarah by email or phone (503) 427-8269.
- Occupy Churches! This project is essentially a touring mini-encampment that would go to various faith communities (by their invitation and request), set up a miniature occupation (no bigger than two tents, a table, and a few chairs) for a period of 24 hours (or a weekend) to engage members of these churches in conversations and learning about the Occupy movement and what it is about. This may start some time in January.
- A workgroup for solidarity with unhoused Occupiers: Now that the OccupyPortland's GA and Spokes Council appear to be somewhat giving up on this issue, and that the homeless advocacy committee once active at the first Occupation is seemingly dead, it is time to regroup and restart. As the winter climate sets in, this is a serious life-or-death matter. Contact Miranda at (503) 289-0555, or contact Sarah.
This week's meeting notes:
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