Friday, January 18, 2013

Important announcement regarding women's spirituality and social change group

Thursday, January 18, 2013

Due to low enrollment the Women's Spirituality and Social Change group, previously scheduled to begin on Sunday, January 20, will be rescheduled to begin on Sunday, February 3.  Location may change due to the planned relocation of the Occupy Portland meeting room in the near future, however, it will be held at the Che Room (1131 SE Oak St. #5) as long as the Occupy Portland remains at that location.

To ensure a meaningful, consistent discussion in a safe environment, we request advance registration (free).  Please email if you would like to be part of this group.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year, and January events

Interfaith Solidarity Cascadia wishes you a happy new year in peace and blessings.

January events:

Open forum: From culture of death to life
Friday, Jan. 11, 4-6 p.m.  > Tuesday, Jan. 15, 7-8:45 p.m.
Che Room, 1131 SE Oak Street, Portland, Oregon
An open-ended community forum on examining the “culture of death” in American collective psyche and how it relates to recent incidents of mass active shootings.

Group: Women's spirituality and social change
Three Sundays, Jan. 20, 27, and Feb. 3, 6-8 p.m.
Che Room, 1131 SE Oak Street, Portland, Oregon
An open-ended and nonsectarian discussion and study group on women’s spirituality and its contribution to social and cultural transformation. This is a three-week series (initially; may be extended by demand) on Sundays 6-8 p.m. In order to keep the group consistent and small enough for an in-depth discussion and shared experiences, pre-registration is requested by no later than Wednesday, Jan. 16. The second and third meeting build on the previous ones.

Information/Registration (free): email (replace = symbol appropriately). You will receive confirmation by email if you are officially signed up.